
[ man-duh-rin ]

  1. (in the Chinese Empire) a member of any of the nine ranks of public officials, each distinguished by a particular kind of button worn on the cap.

  2. (initial capital letter) the standard Chinese language.

  1. (initial capital letter) a northern Chinese dialect, especially as spoken in and around Beijing.

  2. a small, spiny citrus tree, Citrus reticulata, native to China, bearing lance-shaped leaves and flattish, orange-yellow to deep-orange loose-skinned fruit, some varieties of which are called tangerines.

  3. any of several plants belonging to the genus Disporum or Streptopus, of the lily family, as S. roseus(rose mandarin ) or D. lanuginosum(yellow mandarin ), having drooping flowers and red berries.

  4. an influential or powerful government official or bureaucrat.

  5. a member of an elite or powerful group or class, as in intellectual or cultural milieus: the mandarins of the art world.

  1. of or relating to a mandarin or mandarins.

  2. elegantly refined, as in language or taste.

Origin of mandarin

1580–90; <Portuguese mandarim, alteration (by association with mandar to order) of Malay məntəri<Hindi mantrī,Sanskrit mantrin councilor

Words Nearby mandarin Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use mandarin in a sentence

  • At the middle altar was the mandarin, piously engaged in prayer, while two stood beside him, fanning him with large fans.

  • They pay down a certain sum, as caution-money, to some mandarin, and the latter answers for them.

  • A number of peacocks, silver-pheasants, mandarin-ducks, and deer are preserved in their gardens.

  • She was at once seized by the guards, but was released at the intercession of a certain mandarin.

    The Science of Fairy Tales | Edwin Sidney Hartland
  • I promised the blue mandarin to Darthea Wynne because he always nodded yes to her when she wanted advice to her liking.

    The Red City | S. Weir Mitchell

British Dictionary definitions for mandarin


/ (ˈmændərɪn) /

  1. (in the Chinese Empire) a member of any of the nine senior grades of the bureaucracy, entered by examinations

  2. a high-ranking official whose powers are extensive and thought to be outside political control

  1. a person of standing and influence, as in literary or intellectual circles

    • a small citrus tree, Citrus nobilis, cultivated for its edible fruit

    • the fruit of this tree, resembling the tangerine

Origin of mandarin

C16: from Portuguese mandarim, via Malay menteri from Sanskrit mantrin counsellor, from mantra counsel

Derived forms of mandarin

  • mandarinate, noun

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